Liberty Hill Sheepadoodles Contract
This legally binding Contract and Guarantee agreement is between
Liberty Hill Sheepadoodles, Nancy DiDio (Seller)and________________(Buyer).
Address: (City, State, Zip) _____________Phone __________ Email__________
Purchase Price: for a standard size Sheepadoodle puppy is $2000 and for a medium size is $2200 includes 7.5% tax (Deposit of $300.00 applied to purchase price)This is a legally binding contract and it is agreed as follows:
The dog sold pursuant to the terms of this agreement is as follows:
Sex ____________, DOB: ____________.
Breed: Sheepadoodle
Color _________Name__________Sired by __________ out of__________
Liberty Hill Sheepadoodles guarantees the puppy to be in good health at the time of this sale. This puppy has been checked by the seller’s veterinarian and his/her health records are included. The buyer has a 5 day period from the point of delivery to take the puppy to a licensed veterinarian of his/her choosing for a health check. Should the licensed veterinarian determine the puppy is in poor health of a serious nature that would keep the puppy from leading a normal life, the buyer may obtain written documentation from the licensed veterinarian and return the puppy for a full refund.
A warranty against all serious life altering genetic disease is provided for two years from the date of birth. Should a genetic disease be discovered during this time that will greatly shorten the life of, or greatly alter the quality of life of the dog, Seller will provide Buyer with a full refund of purchase price only. Buyer must provide written proof of the condition by their veterinarian. Seller reserves the right to confirm the results before a refund is provided. Seller reserves the right to refuse refund if the dog in question is deemed to have been kept in poor condition or not cared for properly. Under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable to the Buyer or to any third party for any consequential, incidental or special damages resulting from or in manner related to the dog. Upon execution of this document, all veterinary care and associated costs are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Buyer.
Buyer agrees to maintain this dog in good health, provide routine preventative health care including, but not limited to, inoculations, internal and external parasites, and preventative medication such as heartworm medication. If any of the above preventative care has not been provided, and/or the dog has not been properly cared for, this warranty will be considered null and void and no refund given. Buyer agrees to not chain the puppy outside or leave him outside for long hours for the duration of his life.
Buyer agrees that should for any reason, the puppy needs to be re-homed, they will contact Liberty Hill Sheepadoodles. If said puppy is willingly surrendered to breeder for re-homing, no refund will be given.
Buyer agrees to spay or neuter their puppy at time deemed appropriate by the advice of a licensed veterinarian (and to not breed the puppy.) This puppy is sold without AKC registration (hybrid cross AKC not available.)
By signing this contract, the buyer is indicating in a legally binding manner that they have read, understand, and agree to all conditions and terms contained within this contract:
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